Beast of Prey

The ideal combination of sports and virtual reality

Are you toying with the idea of realizing your own project? Engage your customers like never before, increase brand recognition and customer loyalty, all with the power of games!

Short description

The project "Beast of Prey" is a virtual reality project for the fitness industry. Started as an experiment, the game is intended to test whether and how virtual reality can be used in a fitness studio for training purposes.

Customer request

The customer had purchased a KATWALK VR via Kickstarter at the beginning of the contact. The hardware was in the prototype stage and was intended to test the first trials of a possible application in the fitness sector. The goal was to provide visitors to MyGym (The Club of the Future) with a globally unique experience. The challenge was that the supplied software has only limited application in the sports sector. To solve this problem, a custom game production was to be made for MyGym.


KAT VR is a company specializing in the development of virtual reality (VR) technologies, particularly in the area of locomotion. The company is known for developing the KAT WALK, a commercial VR treadmill that allows users to physically walk and run in virtual environments.

KAT VR's technology is designed to create a more immersive VR experience by allowing users to move freely and interact naturally with their virtual environment. The KAT WALK uses a combination of sensors and motion tracking technology to translate the user's physical movements into corresponding movements in the virtual world, creating a more realistic and engaging experience.

In addition to the KAT WALK, KAT VR is also developing other VR technologies, such as motion controllers and VR headsets, as well as software and applications for a variety of VR use cases, including gaming, training and simulation.


The following aspects were of high importance for the customer:

  • The player should be able to walk, run, jump and hunt in the virtual environment
  • High quality processing of the assets
  • The game should reduce motion sickness to a minimum
  • Hi-End graphics
  • The game should have its own setting, which is adapted to the needs of sporty gamers.

Are you ready to bring your game vision to life? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you successfully bring your ideas to life with our game development services!


Virtual Reality (VR) game development is a complex process that requires the collaboration of multiple roles with different skill sets. Here are some of the roles that contributed to Beast Of Prey:

Usage in practice

The Beast Of Prey virtual reality (VR) project was developed for use in a gym, but ultimately proved unsuccessful. The VR system was intended to provide gym-goers with an immersive and engaging experience, allowing them to work out in virtual environments and interact with virtual objects and challenges.

However, the project faced several challenges that hindered its success. First, the VR system was not suitable for use in a busy gym because it required a lot of space and time to set up the equipment. In addition, users reported discomfort and disorientation while using the system, which detracted from its intended fitness benefits.

In addition, the cost of implementing and maintaining the VR system was high, making it unfeasible for many gym operators. As a result, the project was eventually deemed unprofitable for use in gyms and discontinued.


Despite the challenges the VR project faced for use in a gym, there were several positive aspects of the project.

A key benefit of the project was the potential of the VR system to provide gym-goers with a unique and engaging training experience. By allowing users to exercise in virtual environments and interact with virtual objects and challenges, the system possessed the ability to make workouts more enjoyable and motivate users to achieve their fitness goals.

The project also demonstrated the potential of VR technology for a variety of applications beyond gaming and entertainment. The system could have provided people with an innovative and engaging way to exercise and stay active, demonstrating the versatility of using VR technologies.


Thank you for your interest in our project. We would love to hear from you if you have any questions, concerns or the like about our game development project. Your feedback is important to us and we appreciate any input, so please don't hesitate to contact us!

By answering all your questions, we also want to make sure that you have enough insight into our game development process to get a clear picture of how we work. Transparency makes it easier for us to work together on an equal footing. Otherwise, feel free to take a look at our FAQ section. We thank you for your interest in our project and look forward to hearing from you soon!


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